Translation results for ‘of the people’

of the people → folcisc

Masculine Feminine Neuter
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative folcisc folcisce, folcsce folcisc folcisca, folcsca, folcisce, folcsce folcisc folcisc
Accusative folciscne folcisce, folcsce folcisce, folcsce folcisca, folcsca, folcisce, folcsce folcisc folcisc
Genitive folcisces, folcsces folciscra folciscre folciscra folcisces, folcsces folciscra
Dative folciscum, folcscum folciscum, folcscum folciscre folciscum, folcscum folciscum, folcscum folciscum, folcscum
Masculine Feminine Neuter
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative folcisca, folcsca folciscan, folcscan folcisce, folcsce folciscan, folcscan folcisce, folcsce folciscan, folcscan
Accusative folciscan, folcscan folciscan, folcscan folciscan, folcscan folciscan, folcscan folcisce, folcsce folciscan, folcscan
Genitive folciscan, folcscan folciscra, folciscena, folcscena folciscan, folcscan folciscra, folciscena, folcscena folciscan, folcscan folciscra, folciscena, folcscena
Dative folciscan, folcscan folciscum, folcscum folciscan, folcscan folciscum, folcscum folciscan, folcscan folciscum, folcscum