Translation results for ‘about to depart’

about to depart → fromweard

Masculine Feminine Neuter
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative fromweard fromwearde fromweardu fromwearda fromweard fromweardu
Accusative fromweardne fromwearde fromwearde fromwearda fromweard fromweardu
Genitive fromweardes fromweardra fromweardre fromweardra fromweardes fromweardra
Dative fromweardum fromweardum fromweardre fromweardum fromweardum fromweardum
Masculine Feminine Neuter
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative fromweard fromweardan fromwearde fromweardan fromwearde fromweardan
Accusative fromweardan fromweardan fromweardan fromweardan fromwearde fromweardan
Genitive fromweardan fromweardra fromweardan fromweardra fromweardan fromweardra
Dative fromweardan fromweardum fromweardan fromweardum fromweardan fromweardum